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Charli Cohen Reveals ‘MareBears’ Including With Paris Hilton Traits

Charli Cohen x Paris Hilton MareBare NFT
Charli Cohen x Paris Hilton MareBare NFT

Charli Cohen, the creative mind behind RSTLSS, has teamed up with Paris Hilton, Ubisoft’s Rabbids, and Gremplin to create MareBears, a groundbreaking collectibles ecosystem. Today, these tiny Pomeranian-like creatures will come to life as interactive digital pets on the blockchain and in an app. MareBears will have exchangeable and tradable features, known as BearParts.

RSTLSS is a platform that allows creators to design and sell fashion items that can be worn in multiple virtual worlds. It has a gamified experience, making it fun and engaging for users to create and trade fashion items. Past collaborators have included fashion designer Claire Silver and video game company Blizzard Games. Rabbids is a video game franchise developed by Ubisoft. It features cartoon rabbits that are known for their mischievous and chaotic behavior.

The launch of MareBears is a collaboration between several high-profile partners. The project aims to introduce new intellectual property to the world using cutting-edge technologies such as fully composable digital collectibles, interoperable avatars, and a next-generation user-generated content (UGC) school. This initiative is designed to help up-and-coming creators transition into the digital economy and open up new opportunities for current and future holders to create, play, and trade within the RSTLSS ecosystem.

Gremplin, the creator of Moonbirds Oddities, CrypToadz, and other collectible creatures, has created a unique set of traits for MareBears. Like with all Gremplin traits, holders will be able to split them out and sell them separately, or swap them with other MareBear holders.

MareBears are designed with 13 trait slots, allowing collectors to customize their bears and make them rarer. Collectors can obtain, swap, or design BearParts to personalize their bears to the fullest. MareBears are ERC-6551 tokens (backpack wallets), while BearParts are ERC-6059 (nestable tokens), making comprehensive customization possible. The MareBear transmuter can change a bear’s 3D mesh based on the traits equipped, ensuring that each bear is unique.

MareBears goes beyond traditional collecting by giving holders the chance to create, play, and trade within the RSTLSS ecosystem. In addition to being VRM avatar-ready and Tamagotchi-like pets on your mobile, these digital companions also produce Transmutium, a unique currency within the RSTLSS ecosystem that can be used for trading and interacting.

To enhance the launch of MareBears, RSTLSS is working closely with Props, a leading product studio with expertise in digital fandom and interactive engagement. This partnership is expected to create a richer user experience. RSTLSS recently won first place at the Ubisoft Hackathon in Singapore, and is expected to announce more about its plans for interoperable game assets in the Ubiverse.

‘MareBears’ are now on public sale at If you’re lucky, you might mint the Paris Hilton of ‘MareBears’, with traits like holographic wings and bedazzled DJ headphones.

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